GA Superintendent of Education Richard Woods 2023 | Georgia Department of Education
GA Superintendent of Education Richard Woods 2023 | Georgia Department of Education
Among the 1,191 students attending Clinch County schools, 53% were white. African American students were the second most common ethnicity, making up 33.9% of Clinch County student body.
In the previous school year, white students were also the most common ethnicity in Clinch County School District, representing 53% of the student body.
In the 2022-23 school year, the total number of students enrolled in school districts in the county increased 0.6% when compared to the previous year.
Clinch County School District, the only school district in the county, has a main office in Homerville.
According to the Georgia Department of Education, over 1.6 million students were enrolled in Georgia's public schools during the 2021-22 school year. The state boasted a diverse and closely distributed student body across grade levels, with roughly 44% of the students in elementary, 24.5% in middle school, and 31.5% in high schools.
The state also registered an ethnically diverse student body, with 34.4% of the students identified as white, 36.5% as Black, 17.1% as Hispanic, and 4.5% as Asian.
District | Most prevalent ethnicity | % of Total Student Body | Total Enrollment |
Clinch County School District | White | 53% | 1,191 |