
South Georgia Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Registry shows 350 sex offenders living in Lowndes County in February

Webp 17edited

There were two more registered sex offenders living in Lowndes County in February compared to the previous month, according to the Georgia Sex Offenders Registry.

The Registry shows 19 of these sex offenders are sexual predators. In Georgia, a sexual predator is an individual who is determined by the Sexual Offender Registration Review Board to be at risk of perpetrating any future dangerous sexual offense.

The Registry also shows 78 of these sex offenders are currently incarcerated.

Sex offenders in Georgia remain on the Sexual Offender Registry for life unless removed by a court order or other legal means. Any individual who fails to register when required shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 30 years, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

If a sex offender moves to another county in the state of Georgia or another state in the US, they are required to register with the Sheriff in their new county or state of residence.

SafeHome.org, a security think tank, found the number of sex offenders in the US increases by roughly 32,000 a year.

Registered sex offenders in Lowndes County as of February
Adam Jess FrederickNot IncarceratedSexual abuse of a minor
Adam Wade CrutchleyIncarceratedChild molestation
Alan Charles Tumblin Jr.IncarceratedSexual battery
Alan Christopher DaubNot IncarceratedFelony carnal knowledge of a juvenile
Alexander Julieo StephanNot IncarceratedSexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction)
Alexander VegaNot IncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Alfred BrownNot IncarceratedLewd and lascivious conduct
Allen Maurice WatersIncarceratedCriminal attempt to commit child molestation
Alonzo Jamal FlucasNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Alonzo JamesNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Alvin Antwan BurkeIncarceratedStatutory rape
Alvin Bobby CalhounNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Andrew Jerome HallIncarceratedFalse imprisonment of a minor
Andrew Jerry CostonNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Andrew Lee GibbonsNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious act on a child under 16
Anthony Brian PittmanNot IncarceratedComputer invasion of privacy
Anthony Frank TuckerNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Anthony Laron RoseNot IncarceratedSexual battery with force
Anthony Trey WormuthNot IncarceratedAttempted rape
Arthur Tommy FleemanNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Asa Brandon BalloonNot IncarceratedObscene internet contact - obscene communication
Ashley Nanette JohnstonNot IncarceratedStatutory rape 1st degree
Austin Lee HerndonIncarceratedCriminal attempt to commit child molestation
Baron PauloNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Bobby L. WestbrookNot IncarceratedRape
Bradley Louis WatersNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Brandon Demarcus HughleyNot IncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Brandon McArthurNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious act on a child
Brian Michael DeeseIncarceratedLewd or lascivious battery, sexual act with a victim 12 to 15 years of age
Brian Scott CudneyNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Brian Trey WhitmerNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Bruce DonaldsonNot IncarceratedRape
Bryan Tyrell HaynesNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Calvin TeasleyIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Cameron Scott JohnsonNot IncarceratedFederal/military sex crime conviction
Carl Eugene HillNot IncarceratedCriminal attempt to commit a felony
Carl Lance MettsIncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Carl WilsonNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Carlos NapierNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Cartain Keith CrawfordIncarceratedTrafficking of persons for sexual servitude
Chance Roger BrownIncarceratedSexual assault against person in custody, on probation or parole, patient in a hospital etc
Charles Andrew PalmerNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Charles Drue SmithNot IncarceratedCriminal sexual conduct 3rd degree
Charles Howard RodgersNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Charles Lindberg HuttoIncarceratedChild molestation
Charles Ray Brooklyn IIINot IncarceratedCriminal attempt to commit a felony
Charles Samuel CarterNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Christopher D. CovingtonIncarceratedChild molestation
Christopher Edwin NealNot IncarceratedAttempted lewd act upon a child
Christopher Eugene BartonNot IncarceratedFederal/military sex crime conviction
Christopher Lee ForteNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Christopher SpanoNot IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Christopher TaitNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Clarence David BillupsIncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Clifford GaskinsNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Clifton FrederickNot IncarceratedSexual conduct against a child
Clinton HightowerNot IncarceratedSexual assault by threat or force
Clinton MillerNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Corvousier Travion JacksonNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Cory Brandon PowellNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Courtney Foy CrawleyNot IncarceratedSexual assault
Curtis Eugene Moore IIIncarceratedChild molestation
Curtis Lamar MillerNot IncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Curtis Lamar SandersIncarceratedStatutory rape
Curtis Murrice LilleyNot IncarceratedUnlawful sexual activity with certain minors
Dakota Christopher NicholsNot IncarceratedPossession of child pornography on computer
Dale BrowningNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Damon John HarmonNot IncarceratedSexual assault
Daniel Edwin MeyerIncarceratedChild molestation
Daniel Henry MartinezNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Daniel Levern EarleNot IncarceratedSexual battery by an adult on a victim under 12
Daniel Preston OsbourneNot IncarceratedFornication/carnal knowledge
Daniel W. YukoNot IncarceratedSexual battery on a minor
Danny Lee FudgeNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Danny W. Graham Jr.Not IncarceratedLewd and lascivious conduct
Daran D. FolsomNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Darron Ladon LaneNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Dave Vincent AlmonNot IncarceratedObscene internet contact - obscene communication
David Alan CampbellNot IncarceratedAttemp sexual battery
David Franklin BlackNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
David Joseph SweeneyIncarceratedChild molestation
David Scott GiddensNot IncarceratedChild molestation
David Timothy TerrellNot IncarceratedChild molestation
David Wayne BarrientesIncarceratedLewd or lascivious act on a child under 16
Decarlo Levar Pope Sr.Not IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Demetrius NesmithNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Demetrius RobinsonNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Derrail Joavan JohnsonNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Derrick MasseyNot IncarceratedSex battery by adult victim under 12 years of age
Donnie Lynn BurgettIncarceratedAggravated sodomy
Dorian Chevon DennisNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Douglas Wayne CrosbyNot IncarceratedSex battery coerces by threat
Duanta D. RobertsIncarceratedRape
Earnest ClaytonIncarceratedStatutory rape
Eddie Lee Barron Jr.Not IncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Eddie Lee HamNot IncarceratedAggravated sodomy
Eddie Lee Harley Jr.Not IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Eddie Ray JonesNot IncarceratedSexual assult
Edgar CornierNot IncarceratedRape of a child
Edward Jerome WilliamsIncarceratedChild molestation
Edward McKyer Jr.Not IncarceratedStatutory rape
Elmer Clifford HilbrantNot IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Eric Antwon SmithNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Eric Lamar ThomasNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Ernest Lee PaulNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Ethan Martin GodwinNot IncarceratedChild molestation 1st degree
Eugene Andega MainahNot IncarceratedPossession of child pornography on computer
Eugene Terrell Jr.Not IncarceratedSexual battery by an adult on a victim under 12
Everson M. BarnesIncarceratedChild molestation
Fernando W. DawsonNot IncarceratedAggravated sexual battery
Frank Berrian Jr.Not IncarceratedStatutory rape
Frank Oliver EvansNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Frankie Slater Jr.Not IncarceratedRape
Franklin CopelandIncarceratedChild molestation
Franklin Levail KierNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Frederick GallanderIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Gary Lee MatthewNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Gerald Lamar ArnoldNot IncarceratedRape
Gerald Lee SaffoldNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious act on a child under 16 years of age
Glenray Thomas SibleyNot IncarceratedRape and abuse of a child
Gregory DennisNot IncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Griffin MoseNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Harley Bryan HubbardIncarceratedStatutory rape
Henry Lee McGeeNot IncarceratedRape
Henry Lee WilliamsNot IncarceratedSexual battery on a minor
Herbie Junior AhoNot IncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Hershel Earl Rogan IIIIncarceratedSexual battery
Hodges F. BeardNot IncarceratedAttempted sexual battery
Horace Lee BryantNot IncarceratedPossession of child pornography on computer
Howard Anthony HolmesNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Hunter Adam CaseyNot IncarceratedObscene internet contact - obscene communication
Ira Glenn WhiteNot IncarceratedRape
Jacob Michael OzbirnNot IncarceratedAttempt to commit a lewd act upon a child
Jake Loven TerryNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Jamal Jabre TillmanIncarceratedStatutory rape
Jamaul Antwann BladesNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
James A. PierceNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
James CoxfieldNot IncarceratedRape
James Dexter CeasarNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
James E. CraigIncarceratedIndecent acts with a minor
James Edward McGouirkNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
James Eric FreemanNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
James Everette ClantonNot IncarceratedChild molestation
James FrostNot IncarceratedRape
James Michael Medders Jr.Not IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
James Warren MasseyNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Jamie Harold PlessIncarceratedIncest
Jamie Lee BrownNot IncarceratedFederal/military conviction
Jared Tyler StephensNot IncarceratedForcible sodomy
Jarvis Leonard TurnerNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Jason Bryan SniderIncarceratedSexual assault 3rd degree
Jason BryantIncarceratedRape
Jason Claude HowellIncarceratedStatutory rape
Jason DavisNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Jeremy Joseph KingNot IncarceratedThird degree sexual assault
Jeremy MillerIncarceratedCruelty to children
Jeremyah Benjamin JonesNot IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Jerry Lewis FlowersIncarceratedRape
Jesus Hilario GomezNot IncarceratedCriminal attempt to commit child molestation
Jevonte Labobby HagansNot IncarceratedCriminal attempt to commit a felony
Jimmy Dean HeathNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Joe Lewis GosierNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
John BowlesNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
John C. HawkeNot IncarceratedTraveling to meet a minor to commit an unlawful sexual offense
John Dustin PhillipsNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
John Glen BornIncarceratedChild molestation
John Jay Jackson Jr.Not IncarceratedChild molestation
John Jose PerezNot IncarceratedChild molestation
John L. HoltonNot IncarceratedSexual assault
John Wesley JohnsonNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Johnathan Wayne BrocksNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Johnny Flim CarterNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Johnny Lee SiplenNot IncarceratedLewd act upon a child
Jon Edward FowlerNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Jonathan Dwayne JonesNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Jonathan Randle DayIncarceratedChild molestation
Jonathan Ray WoodNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Jonathan Seth CottrellNot IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Jose Luis MartinezIncarceratedSexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction)
Joseph Isadore MorrisonNot IncarceratedRape
Joseph KiserIncarceratedStatutory rape
Joseph Lyle TerrellNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Joseph Ramon WestNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Joshua DarlingNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Jurdis NelsonIncarceratedRape
Justin Christopher CowartNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Kamareey Keyon ZeiglerIncarceratedChild molestation
Keith Andrew WaltersIncarceratedCriminal attempt to commit a felony
Keith GoldenNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Keith MorrisonNot IncarceratedPossession of child pornography on computer
Kenneth Daniel DezurikIncarceratedChild molestation
Kenneth Eugene ThompsonNot IncarceratedPossesion of obscene material, photograph of a sexual performance by a child
Kenneth Ray SimpsonIncarceratedRape
Kevin Dale MallowNot IncarceratedAggravated sexual battery
Kori Lebron LoweryNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Lamar Clayton JonesNot IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Laquavon Jamal HarrisNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Larry Darnell ManningNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Larry Rondale BilloupsNot IncarceratedRape
Lauren Michelle WardNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Lavance TaylorIncarceratedStatutory rape
Lawrence GrantNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious acts with a minor
Leon McCutchinNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Leonard Brain WilsonNot IncarceratedSexual battery with weapon
Leroy RogersNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Lorenzo Starnell SmithNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Louis Kelvin MitchellNot IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Luke Laroy BrownNot IncarceratedRape
MacKley Anthony ThomasNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Major BattleNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Malcolm Noel HolsendolphIncarceratedStatutory rape
Marcus Deangelo WilliamsNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Marvin Harrison Smith IINot IncarceratedChild molestation
Melvin PalmerNot IncarceratedCriminal sexual conduct 10 counts
Micah Devin WrightIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Michael Alan JohnsonNot IncarceratedCriminal sexual conduct first degree
Michael Alan SniderIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Michael Allen BrockIncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Michael Andrew RoughtonNot IncarceratedIndecent liberty with a minor, rape
Michael Anthony TurnerNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Michael Anthony WilliamsNot IncarceratedIncest
Michael BridgesIncarceratedChild molestation
Michael Daryl ThomasNot IncarceratedCarnal knowledge of a child 13 to 15 years old
Michael Dewon MorrisonIncarceratedChild molestation
Michael Eric BurleighNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Michael Erik LingerNot IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Michael Errol PageNot IncarceratedSexual battery with physical force
Michael Eugene BrydgesNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious molestation of a victim under 12 years of age
Michael Godfrey Sr.Not IncarceratedStatutory rape
Michael HendleyIncarceratedStatutory rape
Michael Sherell WilliamsNot IncarceratedAggravated assault
Michael Wayne GrimesNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Moses McCutchinNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Nathaniel Don HallNot IncarceratedRape strongarm
Nathaniel JacksonNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Nathaniel Lee GunterNot IncarceratedLewd and lascivious battery of minor
Nelson HarrisonIncarceratedChild molestation
Nemiah Robinson IIIIncarceratedSexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction)
Nicholas John HezekiahNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Nicholaus HobbsIncarceratedChild molestation
Otis Tye RedmonIncarceratedStatutory rape
Otto Gustavo PenaNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Patrick Paul PaschallNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Paul Arthur BradfordNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Peter Raymond Oakes Jr.Not IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Princeton Lenard JacksonIncarceratedRape
Quinton Derrell GainesNot IncarceratedRape 2nd degree
Rahim R. RashadNot IncarceratedRape
Raishawn Lerrone SiplenIncarceratedRape
Randall Allan TacchiNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Randy Gene JohnsNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Raynard T. BevilNot IncarceratedSexual battery
Recarlo Larenzie ScottNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Reginald Rene WrightNot IncarceratedLewd lascivious act with child under 14 by force
Richard Arlen ParsonNot IncarceratedSexual battery by an adult on a victim under 12 years old
Richard Bricker Jr.Not IncarceratedStatutory rape
Richard Edward McEownNot IncarceratedSexual assault
Richard Kimber RigbyNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Robert David WatkinsIncarceratedChild molestation
Robert Devon WrightNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Robert Lee RoweNot IncarceratedAggravated sodomy
Robert Leonard EwellIncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Robert Louis CogginsNot IncarceratedFederal/military sex crime conviction
Robert Pearl BrysonIncarceratedIndecent liberties with a minor
Robert TuckNot Incarcerated
Robert William HoffNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Roderick Eric McDougle Jr.Not IncarceratedStatutory rape
Roger Dale BryantNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Roger Robert EhlertNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious molestation of a victim under 12 years of age by an offender 18 years of age or older
Ronald Odeen CarrollNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Ronald Raymond WryeNot IncarceratedLewd and lascivious act with a minor
Ronnie Dwayne KierNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Ronnie Lee OuwerkerkNot IncarceratedCriminal sexual conduct second degree
Ronnie PowellNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Roy Edward BrantleyNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Roy HendryNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Russell Eugene CannonNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious conduct with a victim under 16 years of age by an offender 18 years of age or older
Russell J. PyeNot IncarceratedSend to a minor harmful information
Sammy Leroy Wakefield Jr.IncarceratedStatutory rape
Samuel Salter MileyNot IncarceratedSexual conduct 1st degree with a child under 13
Samuel Sherwood AdamsIncarceratedRape
Samuel Thomas Wills IINot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Savon Marquis RobertsNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Senica Tavaris DryeNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Shane WalkerIncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Shaun Jahamal PerdueIncarceratedStatutory rape
Shepherd Walter Williams Jr.Not IncarceratedRape
Shon Lee ClarkNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Solomon Brian KerseyIncarceratedFederal/military sex crime conviction
Stalin FlowersNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious act on a child under 16
Stanley Antwan BerrianIncarceratedRape
Stanley Howard WilliamsIncarceratedChild molestation
Stanley Rene MooreNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious act on a child under 16
Stephon Bernard GaryNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Steve HillNot IncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Sylvester SipplenNot IncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Tammy Gale WilliamsNot IncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Tarvis Marquez WilliamsNot IncarceratedIncest
Tavaris Andre DonaldsonIncarceratedChild molestation
Taylor Jesse DanielsNot IncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Ted WilliamsNot IncarceratedKidnapping
Terrance Antuawan HowardNot IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Terry Enis AllenNot IncarceratedIncest
Terry FosterNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Terry MooreNot IncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Theddeus Jovell PerryIncarceratedStatutory rape
Theodore Sloan Dubard Jr.Not IncarceratedStatutory rape
Thomas G. Fleming IIINot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Thomas Jason DudleyNot IncarceratedAggravated sexual battery
Thomas Lamar WhiteNot IncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Thurman Edward AveryIncarceratedKidnapping
Timothy Eugene Riser Jr.Not IncarceratedChild molestation
Timothy James ThompsonNot IncarceratedObscene internet contact - obscene communication
Timothy Jay CrawfordNot IncarceratedCriminal sexual conduct with a minor
Timothy Lamarr AlexanderIncarceratedAggravated sexual battery
Timothy Nathaniel RichardsNot IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Tommy Lamar ProctorNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Tommy Lee AndersonNot IncarceratedRape
Tommy Reed WoodNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious molestation of a victim 12 to 15 years of age
Tony EdmondNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Trayzon Montonez HollisIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Trudy Lee SmithNot IncarceratedCorruption of a minor, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor
Tyler Arcellious JohnsonNot IncarceratedRape
Tyler Joseph HallNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Tyler Michael LaytonIncarceratedStatutory rape
Valentino SpencerNot IncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Valerio Avilia LopezNot IncarceratedAnnoyance and molestation of a victim under 18
Walter Lee CurryNot IncarceratedPossession of child pornography on computer
Waylon Lynn FutchNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Wendell Allen RobertsNot IncarceratedSodomy - felony
Wesley Lee GriffinNot IncarceratedIncest
Wilford Leshaad SermonsNot IncarceratedObscene internet contact - obscene communication
William A. LinkswilerNot IncarceratedFederal/military sex crime conviction
William Alexander JohnsonIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
William Christopher BlackNot IncarceratedAttempted sexual battery
William D. Smith Jr.Not IncarceratedSexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction)
William Harold CoxNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
William J. HubbardNot IncarceratedChild molestation
William J. SouthersNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
William Lamar VicksNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
William Lee CoutureNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
William Silas BuchananNot IncarceratedFederal/military sex crime conviction
Williams Andrew AikensNot IncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Willie James WilliamsIncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Willie Jones Jr.Not IncarceratedSexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction)
Willie Rowe Jr.Not IncarceratedStatutory rape
Wilmer Javier CallesNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Wilson Eugene ThorntonIncarceratedChild molestation
Winston Landon CasadyNot IncarceratedObscene internet contact - obscene communication
Wyman Rene PhillipsNot IncarceratedPossession of child pornography on computer


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