Austin Scott tweeted the following:
"The CCP's bid to buy cropland in the United States is clearly a nefarious attempt to manipulate our food supply.It is in our nation's best interest not to allow this to"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Austin Scott:
"Biden keeps saying things are better because of his administration. Better for who? Our country is in recession because of him." on July 28Read on Twitter
"The CCP is our greatest adversary, yet their land holdings in the US increased by more than 2400% from 2010 to 2020. I joined colleagues in a letter to USDA calling for more transparency on the foreign acquisition of domestic farmland, one of our most important resources." on July 27Read on Twitter
"With farmers buying 9,000 gallons of diesel at a time to operate their equipment, you can imagine how they're hurting now.I joined @AllAgAllDay to discuss priorities to provide relief to farmers ahead of the upcoming Farm Bill. Listen here:" on July 27Read on Twitter